Accessibility commitment

Making sure all content I publish on the web is accessible to anyone and everyone is very important to me. While I’m not an expert on web design or accessibility, I am committed to trying my best.

This accessibility commitment was adapted from Silvia Canelón’s excellent blog.


I welcome any feedback on the accessibility and inclusivity of my site and content. Please let me know if you encounter any accessibility barriers or areas for improvement and I’ll do my best to remedy them.

Accessibility practices

This site has been designed with the following features in mind:

  • A color palette that meets WCAG 2.1 AA standards for contrast.
  • Alternative text for all informative images.
  • Readable font faces, specifically to avoid impostor letter shapes and mirroring.
    • Each character in [iIl], [ceo], and [db qp] should all be distinct from one another.1
    • This site primarily uses Domine for headings, Atkinson Hyperlegible for body text (developed by the Braille Institute), and Fira Code for code.
  • A table of contents in the sidebars for easier navigation.

I use Google’s Lighthouse accessibility tests to check the accessibility of my website at each deployment. While I would love a perfect score of 100, I commit to a score of at least 80. The Quarto GitHub has quite a few open GitHub issues with accessibility tags that I have no control over.

Accessibility tools


  1. Added the [ceo] and [db qp] tests from Cara Thompson’s amazing data viz design system talk, specifically slide 22: Font inspiration.↩︎